The Hoaxes of Anthropology
February 24th, 1957 @ 8:15 AM
Dr. W. A. Criswell
Genesis 1:26
2-24-57 8:15 a.m.
These are the services of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. This is radio station WRR. This is the pastor of the First Baptist Church bringing the 8:15 o’clock morning message. We have been preaching for these several Sundays from the first chapter of Genesis and for these past and immediate Sundays from the twenty-sixth and the twenty-seventh verses of that first chapter of Genesis:
"And God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, after Our likeness . . . So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them" [Genesis 1:26-27]. And in Genesis 2:7: "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
The witness of the revelation in the first chapters of Genesis is clear and plain. God created the man in the image of God and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul [Genesis 2:7]. There is no question and no doubt about this creation – about the structure, outward and inward, of the man. As we read the Bible, he is differentiated from the beast – the animal of the field. God made him separate and apart. After the Lord God had created the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air and the beast of the field [Genesis 1:20-25], then the Lord God created the man in His own image and in His own likeness [Genesis 1:26-27].
That’s one way of explaining all of the forms of life that we see around us – that they were created by the Lord God, that everything we see was made by the hands of God. Out of nothing, He created our universe, and in that universe, He created life. And the forms of life that we see grew by family units. God created them such. And God fastened those family units in unbreakable links. Each one of the families, each one of the species, is a unit in itself each after his kind. God made it that way [Genesis 1:12, 21, 24-25]. It’s a definite unbreakable unit in God’s created world.
Now, in those created units is the family of the man. God made him separate and apart [Genesis 1:26-27]. God created him as such. The Bible says that God created him perfect. All of his faculties – intellectual, spiritual, physical – all of his faculties were given to him in the day that God created him. From that perfect and exalted estate, man fell because of sin and became degraded [Genesis 3:1-24], and some of the children of old man Adam went down and down and down until we see their degradation in the squalor of the lowest savage [Romans 1:18-32].
But God had pity upon the children of old man Adam who thus fell into sin and iniquity and who thus degraded their high opportunities and lofty estate and became as the beasts of the field. God had mercy upon the children of old man Adam, and the Lord said, "I shall send thee a Redeemer who shall win thee and woo thee and teach thee and bring thee back, and someday thou shalt inherit again that glorious and high estate from whence thou hast fallen" [Isaiah 53:1-12]. We shall have our Eden, our Tree of Life, back again [Revelation 22:1-5]. Now, that’s the way the Bible speaks of the man that God made.
Now, there are those who purport to be great teachers and infallible scientists who say that this revelation in the Bible is directly opposite to what actually happened. They say that out of nothing, out of space, something created itself. Out of the great vacuum of this space around us, there came this universe out of nothing. Nobody made it – no purpose, no design. It just made itself. Out of nothing, something came.
Then they say out of that something that came out of nothing, life generated itself. Nobody made it – no design in it. It just happened. It accidentally, spontaneously generated itself. Then out of that little spontaneously-generated speck of protoplasm, there evolved, through the ages, there evolved all of the separating forms of life that we read about in the past, that we see in the rocks, that we see around us today. There evolved all of these forms of life until, finally, the man himself was evolved.
So in demonstration of that hypothesis that so many of them say is an assured fact, in demonstration of that hypothesis, why, they exhibit in the museums of the world all of those ape-like, fierce-looking supposed ancestors of man, and they say, "See, this is the man as he was a million years ago. And this is the man as he was 700,000 years ago. And this is the man as he was 300,000 years ago. And here he is, here he is 100,000 years ago and 50,000 years ago, and here he is today."
All of us have seen the pictures, at least, of the evolving man as he comes up from the anthropoid to his present form. All of us have seen those pictures, I say, and many of us have seen those exhibits in the museum. They’ll have whole families of those anthropoids, then of those ape-men, and, finally, come on up to where you have the man of today. And they do that with great certainty, and we are overwhelmed and overawed by the authority of their supposed scientific evidence for these demonstrations of the evolution of man.
But the pastor’s message this morning is entitled The Hoaxes of Anthropology. It is our thesis that those creatures, weird and fierce and ape-like, are nothing other but the product of wild imagination and plaster of paris – that they are hoaxes, that they are by no means and in any way a reflection of the actual truth and of actual fact.
One of the most interesting books that has been published in recent years is written by a scientist, an American scientist named Anthony Standen [1906-1993], entitled Science is a Sacred Cow [1950]. And it begins like this – I quote from the beginning of that book:
When a white-robed scientist, momentarily looking away from his microscope or his cyclotron, makes some pronouncement for the general public, he may not be understood, but at least he is certain to be believed. No one ever doubts what is said by a scientist. Statesmen, industrialists, ministers of religion, civic leaders, philosophers – all are questioned and criticized – but scientists, never. Scientists are exalted beings who stand at the very topmost pinnacle of popular prestige for they have the monopoly of the formula, "it has been scientifically proved," which appears to rule out all possibility of disagreement.
Thus, the world is divided into scientists who practice the art of infallibility and non-scientists, sometimes contemptuously called laymen, who are taken in by it. The laymen see the prodigious things that science has done and they are impressed and overawed. Science has achieved so many things that it is hard to believe it can be wrong in anything. Since it is only human nature to accept such flattery, the scientists accept the laymen’s opinion about themselves. The laymen, on the other hand, get their information about scientists from the scientists. And so the whole thing goes round and round like the whip at Coney Island.
That’s the way he begins that book Science is a Sacred Cow. Now, whenever a fact is a fact, we receive it as a fact. Whenever a truth is a truth, we receive it as a truth. God is light and in Him is no fault or error at all [from 1 John 1:5]. And the same Hand that writes in the sky, the same Hand that writes in the Book, will be the same Hand we will see in all of the forms and facts of life around us. With the truth, we have no quarrel. With a fact, we have no quarrel. But this also is a fact: that a theory is a theory and a hypothesis is a hypothesis and a guess is a guess, and a so-called scientist, in supporting his hypothesis, can be as blind and as biased as the most superstitious and fanatical animist. And in many, many instances, in the name of so-called science, they have perpetrated on the public some of the most enormous and unbelievable hoaxes that you could ever read in the story of humanity.
One of the most astounding phenomena in the world today is these exhibits in the great museums purporting to illustrate and to prove the evolution of man from a lower beast. The so-called evidences for the extended antiquity of man are purely hypothetical, manufactured out of the imagination; yet, they are presented as scientifically, factually, indisputably true. Scientific reputations are used to perpetuate shams and hoaxes that would make the late Barnum [Phineas Taylor Barnum 1810-1891] turn green with envy. These things that they present, these so-called ape-men, are not factual. They are not true, but they are figments of a wild imagination and are contrived through the use of plaster of paris.
Now, it is our purpose this morning to demonstrate these hoaxes of anthropology. These ape-men that are supposed to belong to the evolutionary ancestry of our humankind are named after the place where they are supposed to have been discovered. There is the Nebraska Man, the Java Man, the Peking Man, the Galilee Man, the Piltdown Man, the Neanderthal Man, and so forth and so forth. So we’re going to take those demonstrations, and we’re going to look at them this morning. We shall begin in the order of their age – the oldest first and come on up to the latest.
The oldest man was supposed to have been the Nebraska Man. Hesperopithecus haroldcookii – that’s his name. Hesperos is the Greek word for "evening" and so became the Greek word for "western." "Pithecus" – pithecus, of course, is the Greek word for "ape." So Hesperopithecus would be the "western ape" – the western ape-man. And "haroldcookii," we’ll see him in a minute.
Now, at the Scopes evolution trial [1925] in Dayton, Tennessee, William Jennings Bryan [1860-1925] was confronted with a bevy of great scientific authorities led by Professor H. H. Newman [Horatio Hackett Newman, 1875-1957] of the University of Chicago. The professor at that Scopes trial of William Jennings Bryan astounded Mr. Bryan with the so-called facts of the Nebraska Man: one of a race of men who dwelt in this country "one million years ago." Bryan had no reply except to say that he thought the evidence was too scanty to base upon it such far-reaching conclusions, and Bryan pleaded for more time and for more data. But the experts scoffed. They laughed at him. They made a joke of him. The greatest scientific authorities of the world knew the age of the Nebraska Man was one million years.
What was this scientific proof for the Nebraska Man? Well, there was a man by the name of Harold Cook who discovered the famous fossil man [in 1917], and the new race was named after him: Hesperopithecus – "the Western Man" – haroldcookii.
A tremendous literature was built up about this fossil race of North America. The most conservative estimate of the age of that race was one million years. What was this find? Just what did Mr. Harold Cook discover in the state of Nebraska? He discovered a tooth. He discovered one tooth. He discovered just a tooth – not teeth – tooth! This famous tooth was examined by the greatest scientists in the United States, and it was proof positive of a pre-historic race in America. And beyond a shadow of a doubt, he lived here at least one million years ago.
Sir Grafton Elliot Smith [1871-1937] induced the editor of The Illustrated London News to send over here a man to learn all about this extinct race of humanity and to write an article in The Illustrated News. And in that article, they published pictures of a male and a female of this fossilized race that were here in America a million years ago, and they did it on the basis of one tooth. Dr. William K. Gregory [1876-1970], curator in the American Museum of Natural History and a professor of paleontology at Columbia University called it "the million dollar tooth," and he described it as belonging to a human being of such antiquity that a million years in age for it was a conservative estimate. And Dr. Fairfield Osborn [1857-1935], America’s greatest paleontologist, in his tremendous address before the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia in 1927, placed Hesperopithecus at the very bottom of the tree depicting the ancestry of man.
All right, just what was that tooth that Harold Cook discovered in the state of Nebraska and which created this tremendous certainty on the part of the so-called scientists who scoffed and laughed at William Jennings Bryan with their scientific evidence and made a laughingstock out of Bryan? Just what was that that Harold Cook discovered? In the years since the Scopes trial, the skeleton of that entire animal has been discovered with that tooth in it. And that tooth and that extinct animal is an extinct peccary – a species of a pig now extinct in the United States but at one time found all over this continent in large numbers. It was the tooth of a pig. And these are the men who laughed at William Jennings Bryan, and these are the men who made a whole race of humanity out of the tooth of a pig, long since dead, and even dated the race of humanity, represented by that tooth, as of one million years. That’s a hoax of anthropology.
All right, we turn to the next one: There was advertised in this country and in this world a great discovery called the Southwest Colorado Man. And it has been shown since that great advertisement of this new discovery that the man created out of the tooth that was discovered in southwest Colorado, he was constructed from the tooth of a small horse of the Eocene Period. "Give us a tooth," cry the experts, "and we’ll create a whole race of fossilized humanity."
All right, now we come to the most famous of all of these anthropoids that are supposed to be in the family of humanity. We come to the Java Ape Man. He is called Pithecanthropus erectus. That pithecus, remember, is the Greek word for "ape." Anthropos is the Greek word for "man." Erectus, of course, "standing up." So Pithecanthropus erectus is the ape man that stands up. He’s the most famous of all of their finds.
In 1891, Dr. Eugene Dubois [1858-1940], an ardent evolutionist, a physician in the Dutch army then stationed in Java, found in Central Java, in Trinal, internal, a small piece of a top of a skull, a fragment of a left thighbone, and three molar teeth. They were not found together but within a range of some fifty or seventy feet. They were not found at the same time but within a space of a year. They were found in an old riverbed mingled with much debris and with many bones of extinct mammals.
"The creature lived," the anthropologists say, "750,000 years ago." Dr. Chapin [Francis Stuart Chapin, 1888-1974], in his book Social Evolution [An Introduction to the Study of Social Evolution, 1913], says, "It was fortunate that the most distinctive portions of the human frame should have been preserved because from these specimen, we are able to reconstruct the entire being. This man stood halfway between the anthropoid and existing men."
But when you look at that, the top of a skull about that big around, the fragment of a left thigh bone and three molar teeth, when you look at that, immediately, there are some questions that come to your mind about it.
One: from the beginning, the scientists greatly differed about the identification of the bones. Some said they belong to a man. Some said an ape. Some said a baboon. Some said a monkey. One authority wrote, "Shortly after this discovery, twenty-four of the most eminent scientists of Europe met. Ten said the bones belonged to an ape, seven to a man, and seven said they were a missing link." The great Professor Virchow of Berlin said there is no evidence at all that these bones were parts of the same creature. Even H. G. Wells [Herbert George Wells, 1866-1946], the historian who was so greatly predisposed in favor of evolution, admitted that the remains were those of an ape or, more probably, of two apes.
And finally, Dr. Dubois himself who discovered them, who was the great proponent for their identification as being the bones of the missing link, Dr. Dubois himself reversed his opinion as to the missing link character of his find and came to believe that the bones are the remains of some form of gibbon.
Now, that is the basis for that world-famous Pithecanthropus erectus that you’ll find in every museum and that you’ll find pictures of in every book asserting to describe the lineage of man. And that’s all. That’s it!
Another thing to ask about it: those bones were found in sand, in a riverbed. Could they have been preserved for 750,000 years in sand? Listen to me. A petrified skeleton, a skeleton that turns to rock, embedded in a great rock stratum could exist there for millions and millions and millions of years. But an un-petrified skeleton buried in sand would not last even of five thousand years, even a few thousand years. And yet, they say this skeleton, these little bones, were preserved in sand for 750,000 years.
Tell me, is not this true? If un-petrified skeletons could last 750,000 years, you would find them everywhere – millions and billions and billions of them if they could last in sand for 750,000 years. I say, on the face of it, it is a hoax – another one of the vast hoaxes of anthropology.
All right, now immediately that began a great search for other pithecanthropoi in Java. So there came out in 1926 an article in the Science Newsletter entitled, "Jungle Speaks Again on Man’s Pre-Human Relations": "A bewildered creature, a man, but deeply marked with the brand of the ape has emerged at last from the silence of 250,000 years and Pithecanthropus at last has a brother."
They discovered another Pithecanthropus down there in the center of Java, and here is a newspaper article that came out about Pithecanthropus’ brother: "Perfect Skull, A Pre-Historic Man: Missing Link Found." That’s the newspaper headline. Batavia, Java – that’s what we today call Jakarta [Jakarta, Indonesia]. Jakarta, Java, September 28th:
Professor Heberlein, of the Netherlands government medical service has discovered at Trinal in Central Java, a complete skull of the ape-like creature termed by some the ‘missing-link,’ and by science, Pithecanthropus erectus. Professor Heberlein’s find, which is complete and sound, will be kept in Dutch East India as the transportation of such relics is prohibited.
And what was it? It turned out to be the knee bone of an extinct elephant: another one of the hoaxes of anthropology.
All right, we come now to another of the great and famous men who are reconstructed and who are exhibited in the museum and whose pictures you see in these books. We come now to the Heidelberg Man. The Heidelberg Man – it is actually a Heidelberg jaw. It was found [1907] by Dr. Schoentensack [Otto Schoentensack, 1850-1912] in the sands – there it is again – in the sands of the Mauer River near Heidelberg, Germany. Hence, it is called the "Mauer Jaw" or the "Heidelberg Jaw" or by the high-sounding Latin name – usually use Greek, here they use Latin – the Latin name of homo – that’s the Latin word for "man" – heidelbergensis. They say it is 700,000 years old. Then another fellow came along and said it’s 375,000 years old. Just any wild guess will do. One’s just as good as another.
Now, the identification of the jawbone also caused great differences of opinion among the anthropologists. Some claim it to be a connecting link. Others deny it. Some say the find of it is of utmost value. Others say it is worthless. One scientist said, "These remains show no trace of being intermediate between man and the anthropoid ape" [Men of the Old Stone Age, by Henry Fairfield Osborn, 1916]. One distinguished scientist showed that a skull of a modern Eskimo had the same appearance and peculiarities as the Heidelberg Jaw, and another scientist said that he had discovered down in the South Pacific, in an island down there, a whole race of South Sea Islanders all of whom have massive jawbones like the Homo heidelbergensis. And another scientist said you can walk down the streets of any city and see men everywhere who have Heidelberg Jaws – great, heavy, lower jaws.
All it took then was plaster of paris, and they made for it the features – the ape-like form and all the rest of them – out of sheer imagination and placed them in the museum and said this is a demonstration of the evolution of man. It is another hoax of anthropology: the Heidelberg Jaw.
All right, now the next famous man coming up now in the evolutionary series – the next famous man is the Piltdown Man. Oh brother, the Piltdown Man! In 1912, Charles Dawson [1864-1916], an amateur fossilologist, brought to Dr. Arthur Smith Woodward [1864-1944], eminent paleontologist at the British Museum [British Museum of Natural History], some bones and primitive implements he said he found in a gravel pit at Piltdown, Sussex in the southern part of England. He brought a piece of a jaw, two molar teeth, and a piece of a skull. Acclaimed by the anthropologists as possibly one-half million years old, Dr. Woodward, in honor of the discoverer, named the creature "Eoanthropus dawsoni." Eos is the Greek word for "dawn," anthropos for "man." So "Eoanthropus" is the Dawn Man of Sussex, England – the Piltdown Man.
And oh, what a literature they created on him and how they manufactured him and put him in the museum and pictures of him in the books. The Encyclopedia Britannica calls the Piltdown Man second only in importance to Pithecanthropus erectus. Henry Fairfield Osborn, the great American paleontologist of the American Museum of Natural History said, "Eoanthropus" – listen to him – "it’s darkly-colored and thoroughly fossilized skull fragments are intermingled with fragments of grinding teeth of proboscideans of unquestionable Upper Paleocene age. Eoanthropus, the Dawn Man of Sussex, now appears to be of greater geologic age than Pithecanthropus, the Trinal Ape Man."
And on and on they went about the Piltdown Man – Eoanthropus from Sussex, England – the Dawn Man. And lo and behold, in the October issue of 1956, last fall, in the Readers Digest, they summarized a splendid article from the Popular Science Monthly and they named it "The Great Piltdown Hoax." The whole hoax was exposed. The jawbone was that of an ape that had died only fifty years ago. The teeth were filed down to disguise their original design and shape, and both teeth and bones were artificially colored with bichromate of potash. And out of that, they created the great Piltdown Man and placed him in the museum and put his picture in the great books that we teach our children and that we have in references on our shelves.
I haven’t time to speak of the Neanderthal Man. Same thing! Same kind of a thing! Near Düsseldorf [Düsseldorf, Germany], the Düssel River runs through a beautiful little gorge called the Neanderthal Gorge. On one side is a limestone cliff. Up there in that cliff, they found a few bones, and then the same thing started over again. Finally, one of the great scientists said, "The remains bearing on this issue are very few and their significance is hotly disputed by scientists themselves both their age and whether they are human or animal or mere abnormalities."
Now here is the point. With these few fragments, in each case an ape man is reconstructed according to the fancy of the artist. Each one of these instances, posture, stature, size, head, eyes, expression, shape, appearance of skin, hair, whole families – I’ve seen them and you have too – whole families are built depicting the life and the attitude and the appearance of these weird creatures. They are all imaginatively constructed. Did you know it would be impossible to construct how a man looked after he’d been dead just a few years and you had his skeleton? How he actually looked, you’d have a hard time. But they create these weird creatures.
Listen to me. It is estimated that there are three hundred such replicas of the Piltdown Man in museums around this world. Three hundred of the Piltdown Man you’ll find in the different museums of the world. It is estimated that nearly one million persons annually pass through the American Museum of Natural History in New York and view, according to the artist’s fancy, the reconstruction of Pithecanthropus, the Heidelberg Man, the Piltdown Man, and the Neanderthal Man: "the ancestors of the human race."
And the multitudes of high school teachers and students as well as the general public are never told how dubious and unscientific these representations are. They are pawned off in the name of science as being actual and factual, and they are nothing but hoaxes of anthropology.
I have three observations that I have to make, none of which I have time to do. My time is just almost gone, but I want briefly to make the three observations. The first observation is this: The term "missing link" is a colossal misnomer. This scientist Anthony Standen in Science is a Sacred Cow said, "It is a most misleading phrase because it suggests that only one link is missing. It would be more accurate to say that the greater part of the chain is missing so much that it is not entirely certain whether there is a chain at all." The first link is missing. Where did that life come from? And every intermediate link in between is missing. Not a one has been found.
There are no longer – I haven’t time for all of this. I have much prepared on that missing link. Some of the great scientists of the world – listen to these men.
Professor Branco [Wilhelm von Branco, 1844-1928], of Berlin University: "Man appeared suddenly in the Quaternary period. Paleontology tells us nothing on the subject. It knows no ancestor of man."
Erich Wassmann [1859-1931] in Modern Biology and the Theory of Evolution [1910]: "The whole hypothetical pedigree of man is not supported by a single fossil genus of a single fossil species."
The great Professor Virchow of Berlin: "The man-ape has no existence and the missing link remains a phantom."
Austin H. Clark [Austin Hobart Clark, 1880-1954], biologist of Smithsonian Institution: "Missing links are misrepresentations."
Professor William F. Straus, Jr. in the Quarter Review of Biology: "It is noteworthy, moreover, that forms intermediate between the human and any of the other primate groups, forms popularly termed ‘missing links,’ are as conspicuous by their absence today as they were a hundred years ago."
And Professor Rendle Short: "The further back we look for early man, the more like ourselves he appears to be."
I haven’t time. The second observation is that the arrangement, through so-called evolutionary ages, based on form of bones and instruments used can be vastly misleading. And I mean by that this: in our present day, there you live, driving an automobile, or riding in a jet plane, and down there in Ecuador are savages who live in the old Stone Age. And over yonder are different graves, and cultures, and degrees of civilization.
Now, suppose all of us were buried in mud, and a hundred million years from now, if the world would last, they would dig down and find our fossilized forms. Why bless your soul, wouldn’t the evolutionists have a case? There they’d find that Ecuador Indian with his stone tools and the way he looks. Then they’d find the Eskimo, then the headhunter, then the Arab, then the Mongolian, then they’d find you; and they’d put it all in an exhibit and say, "See, this is evolution. There he started with that Ecuadorian Indian and look how he looked over there, the instruments that he used. And then there you have the Mongolian; here you have the Negro, and there you have the Arab, there you have," and on and on. "And there you have this man driving a jet plane. See, that demonstrates evolution."
It doesn’t demonstrate any such thing! We were all contemporary here together. Some of us had higher degrees of civilization than others, but we didn’t evolve out of one another.
Now the third and quick little last observation is this. If there is any change in the human race itself, it seems to me it is down and not up. Tell me, if a man is honest, if a man is honest, in these great races that you’ll find in the past, we were greatest physically years and years and years ago. And I had a whole presentation here of the Cro-Magnon Man. Every one of them were beautifully formed and physically made, gloriously, and every one of them over six feet tall. He lived thousands and thousands of years ago – the Cro-Magnon Man – and I haven’t time to present him. But I say, physically, physically, the race years and thousands of years ago was stronger than it is now. If it’s changing, it’s going down.
I read of a race in China – go over there in China in a shop and buy a dragon’s bones. They ground them up and used them for medicine. And they’ll have giant’s teeth. Those giant’s teeth they sell in the shops of China are teeth of a race of men that lived thousands of years ago, and every one of them was over seven feet tall, and they were tremendous specimen. I say, if we’re going anywhere physically, we going down. We not coming up. The great physical specimen of humanity is not today, but it was thousands of years ago.
All right, I say the same thing intellectually. Thousands of years ago, you had Aristotle, and you had Plato, and you had Socrates, and you had Pericles, and you had Thaddeus. Thousands of years ago, you had Euripides, and Aristophanes, and Sophocles, and Herodotus, and Themistocles, and Thucydides. There has never been any group of men that is any wise come up to the great intellectuals of those Greeks that lived in the Golden Period of Pericles and that was thousands of years ago.
And the last thing – and spiritually, and spiritually, if there’s any change in the human race, it’s degeneration; it’s devolution. It’s not up and out and on, it’s down and down spiritually. Where is a giant with God that can sing songs like David sung, and we read one of them this morning? Where is he? Where is a giant man of God like Isaiah, the prophet, that can see hundreds of years and depict, as though he stood by the occasion, a great thing that is coming to pass? And where is another Lord Jesus Christ? He lived a long time ago, didn’t He? And where are we going to produce another like Him? Evolution says it’s up, and up, and up, and up, and up, and up, and and by and by we’ll produce these supermen. We came from the beast. There we are angels tomorrow. Jesus Christ lived two thousand years ago. So did John and Peter and Paul. It seems to me if we’re going any direction, it’s the other way, not up.
I have to close. Hastily, let’s sing a stanza of a song, and while we sing that song, somebody trust in the Lord and the revelation of His Word. Somebody put his life here in the church. While we sing this first stanza, would you come and stand by me?